Kala KA-15SS Spruce Soprano Ukulele
Not your usual opening sales pitch with this little Kala soprano, but I’m going to tell you that you can buy this cheaper elsewhere online. There, I’ve said it. It’s a nice little uke but not without its little set up flaws. I will sort that out. It’ll cost a bit more. I’m hoping that pointing that out won’t leave people this heading off to price compare on Google Shopping!
The KA-15SS is the spruce laminate top version of the popular laminate mahogany soprano, the KA-15S. It is an extremely popular model, and rightly so, as it is perky, bright and still reminiscent of a vintage uke, with a bit of traditional soprano ‘bark’ into the mix.
Playing it is a lot of fun, once the nut grooves are attended to and it’s easy to play down at the first fret. It looks neat and tidy, with a nice comparison between the very dark stained mahogany laminate back and sides as the cream spruce top. This is finished off with a laser etched soundhole decoration.
It is fitted with geared tuners and Aquila strings, which deliver quite a bit of brightness and volume, while never sounding tinny like some cheap sopranos can.
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