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Soprano Ukuleles
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Ohana TTPK-220G All Solid Mango Pineapple Sopranissimo Ukulele


The Ohana TTPK-220G is a very small ukulele, but a functional one. It has an overall length of 41.5cm, making it handy for taking on your travels if you have limited space and still want to keep your ukulele practice going! It’s also a lovely looking thing, with the golden hue of the all solid mango body shining under the gloss finish, and nicely embellished with hardwood binding and abalone inlays.

With something like this of course there’s a bit of a pay off between making it incredibly compact and making it sound good! And with such a short scale, while it can be used with standard GCEA tuning, it does feel a little flat and benefits greatly from tuning up to ADF#B. There’s enough volume to hear yourself clearly, though of course, a bigger bodied instrument would give you more in volume terms.

It’s undeniably cute though, with the body fitting almost into the palm of your hand. And while, yes, there’s some degree of novelty involved in such a small uke, it plays well, works properly and has been made carefully as a fully functional uke. There are good quality geared tuners and a set of Aquila strings fitted.

At the bottom of the page there are a series of easy to add options, but keep in mind these are standard to every uke on the site. In this case, bags and cases will be too big - and a specialist case would be needed for a neat fit. I can acquire these from time to time - of you could just rely on a soprano gig bag and have a bit of extra space. There’s a low G option too but really, there’s too little tension for that not to sound flabby! Still, there’s strap buttons there too, and I can put those on!

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Add Low G String to Your Ukulele

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Add Black Kinsman Hard Case to your Ukulele

Add Fitted Strap Button To Your Ukulele Add-fitted-strap-button-2.jpg

Add Fitted Strap Button To Your Ukulele

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Add thin black leather ukulele strap to your order

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Add 10mm Padded Gig Bag to Your Order
