Singer RT1K-IT All Solid Koa Tenor Ukulele by aNueNue
The company behind the Singer RT1K-IT, aNueNue, wanted to make a line of ukes that’s different to its other (well regarded) instruments, with more of a vintage aesthetic. This has been achieved here in part by the attractive sunburst. The ‘IT’ in the name stands for ‘Ice Tea’ - the name they’ve given this particular sunburst shade.
The Singer RT1K-IT may have a name that would be difficult to pronounce after a couple of Long Island Ice Teas, but there’s nothing clunky about the sensational neatness of the build and finish. These really are fantastic in that respect. So while to some ‘vintage’ might imply a slightly more rustic (for want of a better term) appearance, the Singer ukes are seriously impeccable.
Tonally, there is some vintage-style ‘bark’ delivered by the different bracing pattern and body size, as compared to aNueNue’s regular ranges. But it keeps the aNueNue tradition of excellent sustain. This one is made from all solid Hawaiian koa, and while koa can be a bit ‘mid-heavy’, and occasionally muted, the builders here have teased out plenty of sweetness and brightness paired with some warm undertones. It sounds very pretty indeed.
This Singer RT1K-IT tenor ukulele comes with an excellent dark green hard case, Gotoh’s fantastic UPT rear facing geared tuners and aNueNue Black Water fluorocarbon strings.
The Singer RT1K-IT is one of the ukuleles featured in a video demo I’ve made looking at the Singer series from aNueNue. You can watch that by clicking additional info below.
For a selection of common adjustments, like low G’s fitted or strap buttons added, scroll to the bottom of the page to add extras to your basket when ordering.