UKE Magazine

UKE Magazine Issue 37 - March 2024

from £5.25

This is Issue 37 of UKE Magazine, the UK’s magazine for ukulele players, established in 2015 and still going strong. Here we have the printed edition, with 60 pages of colourful ukulele content on quality paper, with great design.

Featured on the cover this time is award-winning EmiSunshine from the USA, who has been pioneering the use of the ukulele in the modern country genre. Emi explains how the ukulele is central to her dynamic, fresh and yet old-time sound as she takes the uke on stage across the continent.

The magazine continues with its theme of providing tips and advice to help players improve their ukulele playing, featuring expert ukulele guides and features. This time, Lil Rev takes readers through Asheville Junction, an old-time African-American work song, while Phil Doleman looks at songs that don’t fit into usual 8 or 12 bar blues and country patterns. There’s also a feature on using your surroundings to write song lyrics, a look at the theory behind Latin American rhythms and a technical guide to improving your barre chords.

The ukulele community is also a theme and we begin a series on fifty ways to grow your ukulele group and keep it vibrant and interesting for existing members, while remaining welcoming to new recruits.

We also bring together a range of features from around the uke world, with these including a report from the NAMM music trade fair in California, while there’s plenty of gear too, with a series of new ukulele reviews and a special report on the rise of the baritone uke - including a look at many of the exciting models available today.

If you click additional info below, you’ll find a run-through of the content inside a typical copy of UKE Magazine.

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